“Miért érdemes életben maradni?” or “Reasons to Stay Alive”
is an experimental graphic design project based on the memoir of the same title, written by Matt Haig. The book, in which the author expresses their past experience and advice regarding clinical depression, has always served as a useful guide and comfort in my own mental health journey. Drawing from personal struggles, I adapted the book’s instructions as an enormous word search puzzle printed onto a bedding cover. It symbolizes the monotonous, yet fuzzy depressed mind, that not only weighs you down, keeping you in bed, but also contains the solution, even if it seems impossible to find. The final product works both as an installation and an object of use for those experiencing depressive symptoms. ~Nancy
Talent: Veronika Bátfai
Designer: Nancy Nguyen
Visual concept: Benedek Dócs
Location: Budapest XXII.